
I'm Rishav.

a programmer.

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I am a enthusiastic programmer who loves tweaking and learning the cool things around me.
I am a forever foodie in love with chicken.

My Skills.


Design & Development

I love to build and design cool websites and to provide functionality to it.


Machine Learning

I am an Machine Learning enthusiast and love making prediction models of high accuracy using different mathematical approaches. I specifically like the architecture and working of Neural Networks.


Competitive Coding

I am a huge fan of Competitive Coding. I often practice solving various questions to brush my Data Structures and Algorithms on various platforms like Codechef, CodeForces, HackerRank and TopCoder. Getting an AC verdict on a submitted solution to a problem statement often thrills me.

Get In Touch

If you are as enthusiastic about bugs and code as I am.

Love code and food as much as I do?
Lets talk about buggy codes with some chicken!

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© 2020 Rishav Ranjan.